Zero-waste Oral Care by georganics

Natural oral care made in England

georganics: natural, sustainable and plastic-free manufacturers of organic and zero waste oral care.

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The georganics philosophy is as simple as it is clear: natural, sustainable and conscientious. This is how you can practice dental care and protect the environment with zero-waste products at the same time.

For most people, dental care involves brushing your teeth twice a day - morning and evening. What is often not taken into account is the impact of the synthetic chemicals contained in conventional oral care products. The small British company georganics emerged from the question of whether these were necessary and from scientific research that shows that nature provides us with everything we for effective dental hygiene.

Today, georganics is one of the best-known natural cosmetics brands for oral and dental hygiene. Not only in respect to their zero-waste strategy but also in regards to sustainability practises and working hand in hand with nature. The packaging is functional, plastic-free, biodegradable and recyclable. However, cannot be entirely foregone due to hygienic requirements. As soon as solutions are found to replace the small amounts of plastic, georganics will do the same.